putinbaylodging.com is happy to bring you the following piece, from the amazing Put-in-Bay Gazette. To subscribe to the Gazette (which we passionately recommend) visit putinbay.news!
Island Green Week Press Release 2023
Hosted on: Put-in-Bay, Middle Bass Island, Gibraltar Island, and Kelleys Island
Dates: August 5th to 12th, 2023
Coordinator: Renee Market
Phone: 419-708-5798 • Email: [email protected]
Address: Lake Erie Islands Nature & Wildlife Center PO Box 871 Put-in-Bay, OH 43456
Website Address: lakeerieislandswildlife.com/island-green-week
Event Description: Island Green Week is a celebration of Nature.
Island Green Week events highlight the islands’ natural beauty and unique ecology. The Lake Erie Islands are a breathtaking destination, with opportunities to see utterly amazing parts of nature, history, and culture. Please join us for Island Green Week 2023, our islands have so much to show you. You will never regret a “A Natural Island Experience.” All events are family friendly, inclusive, and accessible.
Saturday, August 5th
Lake Erie Islands Nature & Wildlife Center – Put-in-Bay
11a.m. – 5 p.m. | Cost – $4 Adults, $3 Children 6-13 years old, $3 Seniors, $10 for a family group, under 6 is FREE. Open Monday-Saturday! See the newly enlarged and renovated Nature & Wildlife Center. Check out the exciting displays, indoor turtle pond, and geology exhibit in addition to the over 100 species of North American animals. This is a must do during Island Green Week.
EXPLORER PACKS also available; activity backpacks for Birding, Geology, and Pollinators that take you on a wild adventure of scientific discovery!
Nature Walk with Dr. Adams – Put-in-Bay
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. | Cost – FREE. OSU’s Dr. Rachelle Adams and her team will be leading a fun-filled educational nature walk at one of South Bass Island’s beautiful preserves (location TBA). Dr. Adams is a leading ant researcher and will also be leading an “ant hunt” after the walk that people are free to join. She will be collecting some ant specimens to take back to her lab to identify the species, so we can get a better sense of what ant species we have on the island!
Science Saturday – Kelleys Island
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Cost – FREE. Science Saturdays is a partnership between Kelleys Island State Park, Kelleys Island Audubon Club, and the Kelleys Island Field Station. This is a weekly series of events that features interactive exploration centered around a particular topic. Families and learners of all ages are invited to explore firsthand science fun during this free drop-in event. 11am– 1pm on Saturdays through Labor Day. Complete Schedule of Science Saturdays at https://www.kelleysislandfieldstation.org/.
Sunday, August 6th
Hotel Victory Grounds Lantern Tour – Put-in-Bay
7:30 p.m. | Cost – FREE. South Bass Island State Park will host a Lantern Tour of the infamous Hotel Victory Grounds. This family event will start with a beautiful sunset at South Bass Island State Park and end at the Hotel Victory Swimming Pool Pavilion. The tour will highlight various still-existing features of the Hotel Victory, a history of the grounds, and exciting facts about life at the Hotel. Tour provided by Naturalist and Island Resident Renee Market.
Monday, August 7th
Miller Boat Line Stargazing Cruise – Put-in-Bay
8:00 p.m. | Cost – Adults $25, Kids $15. The ferry cruise will leave from the downtown Miller Boat Line dock on Put-in-Bay just before sunset. The stars will light up the sky as an astronomer will engage with the guests, sharing information about the night sky, planets, and stars. Passengers will have an amazing opportunity to enjoy the show from outer space as the ferry boat travels around the Lake Erie Islands. Wine and appetizers are provided. BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR AND BEVERAGES. Tickets are available starting in July at the Wildlife Center on Meechen Rd., or by credit card over the phone at 419-285-3037.
Tuesday, August 8th
Wild Tuesday – Put-in-Bay
1 – 3 p.m. at the Lake Erie Islands Nature & Wildlife Center | Cost – FREE. Nature’s Nursery will have a variety of animals and reptiles on display for education. Wild Tuesday features live animals, colorful crafts for children, and educational opportunities for all ages! If your curiosity is peaked, we invite you to visit all our Wild Tuesday Events throughout the summer, we look forward to being WILD with you. See the full schedule at https://lakeerieislandswildlife.com/wild-tuesdays-2/.
Wednesday, August 9th – Saturday, August 12th
Aquatic Visitor Center Tours – Put-in-Bay
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. | Cost – FREE. In a 1-hour tour, people of all ages can explore Lake Erie’s complex ecosystem through experiential activities and tanks of live fish. Children under 16 can borrow fishing gear and fish for free off the pier. The facility is run by Ohio Sea Grant and Ohio State University’s Stone Lab. Open Wednesday through Saturday all summer! For more information call 419-285-1800 or visit https://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/visit/avc/.
Wednesday, August 9th
11th Annual Pig Roast & Raffle – Put-in-Bay
6 – 9 p.m. at The Goat Biergarten | Cost – $20 Pre-Purchased, $25.00 day of. Join us at the Goat Biergarten for a delicious slow-roasted pig along with tasty sides donated by local restaurants while enjoying live music by Lucas Guy. Try your luck at the 50/50 raffle or enter to win one of the amazing raffle baskets! Tickets available starting in July at the Nature & Wildlife Center.
Thursday, August 10th
Historic Gibraltar Island Tour – Put-in-Bay
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. or 1 – 3 p.m. | Cost – $10 per adult $5 per child. Transportation to and from Gibraltar Island is paid separately via the Boardwalk water taxi. This is a wonderful experience for every member of the family. A two-hour tour explores Gibraltar Island, home to Jay Cooke’s Castle, Commodore Perry’s 1812 Lookout, Stone Laboratory’s classrooms and facilities. For more information visit https://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/visit/.
Lake Erie Awareness Day – Put-in-Bay
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Cost – FREE. Lake Erie Awareness Day brings you the magic of Lake Erie’s history, culture, and natural resources. Spend the day touring the island while learning about Ohio’s greatest water treasure. You will have the opportunity to visit education stations where you will learn about island history, native plants and animals, the dangers of plastic pollution, and boating safety. Fun giveaways and a great day in nature awaits you. Go to all the stations and be entered to win a fabulous island themed prize. Visit https://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/news/calendar/2023/08/10/t0iep/lake-erie-awareness-day for station locations and more information.
Friday, August 11th & Saturday, August 12th
Homecoming – Kelleys Island
Cost – FREE. Homecoming is sponsored by the Kelleys Island Landowners Association and is a weekend for those who love this island to enjoy a fish fry on Friday, parade on Saturday (with marching band), craft & vendor market, food & beverages—fun for the whole family! All Homecoming events take place at the Kelleys Island Pavilion on Addison St. For more information visit https://kelleysisland.com/events/homecoming-kila/.
Friday, August 11th
South Bass Island Lighthouse Tours – Put-in-Bay
11 a.m. – 5 p.m. | Cost – FREE. Discover information about the area’s history and the most pressing issues facing Lake Erie before accessing the top of the lighthouse tower to see an expansive view of Put-in-Bay. Visitors can climb the stairs to take in a magnificent view of Put-in-Bay from the top of the tower, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For more information visit https://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/visit/.
Lonz Winery Cellar Tour – Middle Bass Island
4:30 p.m. | Cost – FREE. Tour of the famous Lonz Winery Cellar and Grounds. This family event will start with a guided tour through Lonz Winery Cellar and end at the Island Grind and Prohibition Bar at the Historic Lonz Press House. The tour will highlight various still-existing features of the Lonz Compound, a history of the grounds, and exciting facts about life on Middle Bass Island and the winery. Tour provided by Naturalist and Island Resident Renee Market.
Saturday, August 12th
Poker Kayak Day – Middle Bass Island
12:00 p.m. | Cost – $20 pre-registration $25 on site. Kayakers start and finish at the Middle Bass Island State Park west beach (No starts later than 1:00 pm). The paddle around the island includes three additional stops (the State Park Marina, the MBI East Point Preserve, and the Kuehnle State Wildlife Area/Petersen Woods Preserve). A welcome packet at the start has a description of the course and information about the stops. Stops are staffed with volunteers for safety and to distribute poker cards and snacks. The finish has a cook-out with hot-dogs, chips, and bottle of water while 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners are determined. 1st place prize from Miller Ferry is RT tickets for 2 adults + 1 vehicle; 2nd place from MBI General Store is a gift card; 3rd place winner gets a bag of frozen shrimp from Costco! Proceeds from the event will benefit the Put-in-Bay Township Park District’s newest preserves on Middle Bass Island. (Rain Date August 13) Registration is available at: https://bit.ly/3tcE7A5 Deadline to register early is August 6th.
The following businesses have generously donated discounts, please support them during your visit to Put-in-Bay, Middle Bass Island, and Kelleys Island:
• Miller Boat Line- https://www.millerferry.com
• E’s Golf Cart- https://www.esputinbaygolfcarts.com
• Ohio State Parks- http://parks.ohiodnr.gov
• Heineman’s Winery www.heinemanswinery.com
• Park Hotel- https://www.parkhotelpib.com
• Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce- http://www.visitputinbay.com
• The Boardwalk- http://the-boardwalk.com
• Ohio State University’s Stone Laboratory- https://stonelab.osu.edu
• Island Bike Rental- http://www.ibrcarts.com/public/bike_cart_rental
• Jet Express- https://jet-express.com
• Frosty Bar- http://frostys.com
• Cameo Pizza- http://putinbaycameopizza.com
• Kelleys Life- https://kelleysisland.com/kelleys-life
Transportation and Lodging Discounts
Visit www.lakeeriesislandswildlife.com or www.lakeerieislandsconservancy.org for infomation about transportation and lodging discounts for Island Green Week.
The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please click here.
This piece of Put-in-Bay journalism has been provided to putinbaylodging.com courtesy of the Put-in-Bay Gazette, Put-in-Bay’s only local newspaper. Visit their website putinbay.news for more information and to subscribe!