School News
By Steve Poe, Superintendent
Summer is a time for completing a long “to-do” list of maintenance projects. The list this year includes, but is not limited to:
• Wax all tile floors
• Shampoo all carpets, runners, rugs, like those vintage rugs, and furniture
• Power wash building, clean all windows, clear all downspouts
• Inspect sprinkler and fire alarm systems
• Paint Panther logo on gym floor and install new bleachers
Summer is also a time for us to review and update board policies andstudent handbooks. These are then approved by our board of education. Student handbooks will be sent home the first day of school for parents to become familiar. If you have any questions about our 2021-22 rules, policies or procedures, please call the school at 419-285-3614.
Parents planning to withdraw or enroll a student should do so prior to school starting so we can plan ac-cordingly.
Last month, senior Kate Byrnes represented Put-in-Bay School at the annual Buckeye Girls State pro-gram. Sponsored by the American Legion, this event took place on the campus of Ohio Northern University from June 13th to 19th. Girls from all around the state took part in activities that enabled them to learn the duties of every governmental agency, from elected state officials to village councils. Each participant served in a government position for the week. Kate is the daughter of Susan and Mike Byrnes.Congratulations Kate!
We had four juniors participating in the HOBY (Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Pro-gram) this summer. McKenna Stacy, Alice Lentz, Macy Ladd and Lilian Frederick partici–pated in activities that develop leadership skills. These skills can then be utilized at Put-in-Bay School and our community. McKenna is the daughter of Rob and Kristi Stacy; Alice is the daughter of Julie Leopold; Macy is the daughter of Heidi and Chris Ladd; and Lilian is the daughter of Todd Frederick. Good job girls!
The board of education adopted the school calendar for 2021-22. Please mark your calendars for the 2021-2022 School Year:
• Monday, August 30–First Day of School
• Monday, Sept. 6–No School / Labor Day
• Monday, October 18–No School / Appointment Day
• November 24 – 26–No School / Thanksgiving Break
• Friday, December 3–No School / Great Lakes Basketball Tournament
• December 20 – Jan 2–No School / Christmas Break
• February 18 – 27–No School / Winter Break
• April 15 – April 19–No School / Spring Break
• Thursday, May 26–Early Dismissal / Last Day of School
• Friday, May 27–Graduation
The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please click here.
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