putinbaylodging.com is happy to bring you the following piece, from the amazing Put-in-Bay Gazette. To subscribe to the Gazette (which we passionately recommend) visit putinbay.news!
LEI Conservancy News
Duff Homestead Preserve Update
The Lake Erie Islands Conservancy is working with the Put-in-Bay Township Park District on new office/visitor space at the Duff Homestead Preserve. Kelly Faris painted a front room that will be an office, John Galvin has been refinishing the floors, and Mark LeKanka and crew have been cleaning up. Kendra Koehler and Susie Cooper have been busy securing historic items and working on the history of the house. The porch visitor contact area is next in spring. The LEIC hopes to have the house ready to use by March 1st when they will need to vacate their airport office. Thanks to the Put-in-Bay Port Authority for providing the office space in the past and the Perry Group for sharing.
Thank You from the LEIC!
Thanks to all who ordered their winter wild bird seed from the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy this year and to Titgemeier Feed and Garden for providing the seed. Thanks to Miller Boat Line for boat fare. Also appreciated is the delivery help from El and Lucas Kostura, Rudy Rence, Russ Brohl and Florian Batt and the ordering help from Kelly and Marty Faris, plus the use of the Heineman Winery truck and storage. It takes an island – or in this case two! Check out Titgemeiers when in Toledo for their hardware, garden, bird feeding and beer making supplies. https://www.facebook.com/Titgemeier.
LEIC and PIBTPD Wish List
The Lake Erie Islands Conservancy and the PIB Twp. Park District always need help to support their efforts. Here’s a wish list of things that you might be able to help with: 1) Volunteers are always needed to spread mulch on trails, remove downed trees and pick up litter, and pull garlic mustard, amur honeysuckle in all the preserves. 2) Volunteers are needed for tabling events, and office and digital file organizing. 3) Website and social media assistance. 4) Adobe, Access and Arc GIS Programs or volunteers with these skills. 5) Recycled Copying Paper, Ink for Printers (Brother LC 61, HP 970XL, HP 971Xl-must not be generic). 6) Golf Cart for Summer Transport of tools, people. 7) Land Protection Fund Donations. 8) Interpretive Signs ($250 each) for Duff Woods Preserves. 8) Help with Scheeff East Point bulletin board. 9) AmeriCorps Intern funds for 2024. 10) High Resolution GPS Unit for Preserve Monitoring. 11) 2 Mist Nets for Owls – $700. 12) 5 Songbird Mist Nets-$1300 13) Volunteer labor or donations toward retrofitting Duff house for new office space. Contact Lisa Brohl at (419) 366-2087, if you are interested in donating or sponsoring one of these items. Thank you.
LEIC Christmas Potluck
The Lake Erie Islands Conservancy will hold its annual Christmas Potluck at the South Bass Island Lighthouse on Monday, December 12th 2023 starting at 6 p.m. Ham, salmon, coffee and hot cider will be provided. Please bring a dish, salad or dessert to share as well as a beverage of your choice. Please bring your own table service so that we can be eco-friendly this holiday! Please RSVP by calling or texting Lisa Brohl at (419) 366-2087 or e-mail at [email protected]. It is always a beautiful spot to celebrate the end to a busy year of land preservation. Thanks to our partners the Ohio State University Stone Laboratory for the opportunity!
This piece of Put-in-Bay journalism has been provided to putinbaylodging.com courtesy of the Put-in-Bay Gazette, Put-in-Bay’s only local newspaper. Visit their website putinbay.news for more information and to subscribe!