10 Aug
Put-in-Bay Volleyball Battle
For more than 25 years, volleyball players have competed in this day-long tournament that is so big, it is held both at McCann Field on Toledo Avenue near downtown Put-in-Bay and over on the high school softball field. Over 2,500 players compete at The Volleyball Battle in numerous divisions including Open, A, BB, B, C, “Rec”reational.
The rules are simple: Co-ed 6s grass; minimum of 2 women on the court; USAV outdoor rules apply; there will NOT be a girl hit rule. The event is sponsored by Lakeview Beach Volleyball. For rental homes or waterfront condo rentals call 216-898-9951. Hotel reservations can be made early for this large event by calling 419-285-3101 or 419-285-7427.
We can’t wait to see you at the annual Volleyball Battle on Put-in-Bay!
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